Health and Wellbeing


In this section we look at family health, wellness and ways to improve your own health and wellbeing focusing on a range of topics including:

  • Mental Health
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Sexual Health


How alcohol can affect you

Alcohol can impact your:

  • mood
  • energy levels
  • motivation

We often drink because we want to change the way we feel.

Growing evidence suggests that alcohol can have a negative effect on our mental health and physical health, with guidelines suggesting that we shouldn’t drink more than 14 units a week. This is around 6 pints of lager, or 7 glasses of wine.

If you have concerns look out for the following patterns:

  • using alcohol to block how you feel
  • using alcohol to help you to sleep
  • using alcohol to fill time
  • drinking alcohol more regularly
  • drinking more and more alcohol

For facts about alcohol, visit NHS: Alcohol.

If you are concerned about your alcohol intake, contact your GP for support.

To find your local GP visit

Or, contact the, which is specifically for adults affected by alcohol misuse who live in South Tyneside.

Support for drugs or substance misuse

If you have a problem with drugs, there’s lots of of addiction services that can help.

If you have a problem with drugs, you have the same entitlement to care as anyone coming to the NHS for help with any other health problem.

With the right help and support it’s possible for you to get drug free and stay that way.

Where to get help for drugs

A good place to start is to visit your GP.

  • Your GP can discuss your concerns with you
  • assess the nature of your problems
  • help you choose the most appropriate treatment and
  • might offer to treat you, or refer you to your local specialist drug service.

Many drug treatment services accept self-referrals.

If you’re not comfortable talking to your GP, you might be able to approach your local drug treatment service directly.

Alcoholic Anonymous

Find drug and alcohol services

South Tyneside Alcohol Recovery Service

Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as our physical health.

Our mental health is how we are feeling inside and emotionally.

It can affect your ability to:

  • Work
  • Study
  • Do the things you need and want to do
  • Get along with others
  • Look after yourself
  • Talking about your feelings and mental health can help.

If you are concerned about how you are feeling, there are lots of services that can help.


Qwell provide free online support and counselling for people over the age of 18 years. 



Other support available

South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust


Mental Health Services


Advice for parents


Together in a crisis Sunderland and South Tyneside – Mental Health Concern

Overview – Postnatal depression 

Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important part of your physical and mental health as well as your emotional and social wellbeing

It’s important to take care of your sexual health including talking about sex and relationships with your loved ones

Local information and support

Sexual health services in South Tyneside are free, confidential and available to everyone regardless of sex, age, ethnic origin and sexual orientation.

They aim to make sure that people are given the information and skills they need to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.

South Tyneside sexual health services provide:

  • advice on sexual health, relationships and family planning
  • free contraception
  • free testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • free HIV testing
  • free emergency hormonal contraception (the morning-after pill) for young people
  • Services might be delivered by nurses, specialist doctors, your local/regular doctor, pharmacists or outreach workers.

Not all service providers offer the full range of sexual health services as outlined above, and it’s always best to check what’s on offer in advance.

To find service available in South Tyneside  Information and services from South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust Sexual Health Service


We want you to feel proud of your own identity and accept who you are. 

We understand this is not always easy and we want you to feel supported: 

Humankind: LGBTQ+ North East is the local LGBTQ+ support service offering friendly and practical support such as: one-to-one support sessions, sexual health guidance, fun activities, support accessing clinical gender identity services and more.

Information about national LGBTQ+ services can be found here.

South Tyneside Sexual Health Service

Contraception Choices


Support to quit smoking

You can get free, flexible, friendly support to help you quit.

Support includes:

  • Specialist one to one support and advice.
  • Nicotine replacement therapy.
  • You are three times more likely to quit with our support.

There are lots of reasons to quit smoking.

For information about the benefits of quitting, visit Quit smoking – NHS (

Ask for support

You can ask for help for yourself or for someone you know by speaking to a smoking adviser:

Phone: 0191 424 7300


Online and digital support

Free personal quit plan:

Call the free Smokefree National Helpline to speak to a trained, expert adviser: 0300 123 1044

Oral Health

South Tyneside and Sunderland Community Dental Service provide a full range of dental treatment for patients of all ages whose complex needs mean they have difficulty in accessing general dental services.

We aim to provide high quality dental care locally for patients with a wide range of individual needs. This includes individuals who are medically compromised or have mental health issues; adults and children with severe learning disabilities or physical disabilities and children with behavioral management issues.

For more information, visit:

A Parents’ Guide to oral health and dental care for children with a learning disability, autism or both

Click here to view

Looking after your child’s oral health

Babies should be registered with the dentist as soon as first teeth appear and regular visits should be encouraged. It is important to start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as they appear. You can find out more about looking after your baby’s teeth:
