Relationship Support


Everyone has arguments, and everyone disagrees with their partners, family members and others close to them from time to time.

We all do things at times that we regret, and which cause unhappiness to those we care about. It only starts to become a problem when conflict is frequent, intense and not resolved well.

If you are worried about your relationships, it is important to reach out for help, support or look for ways to self-help.

Women’s Aid has produced a Recognising Domestic Abuse Questionnaire that may help you to understand whether you are suffering domestic abuse or relationship conflict.

Are you in immediate danger?

If you, or someone you know, are in immediate danger, call 999 straight away and ask for the police. If it is not safe for you to speak the police can still help you by using their ‘Silent Solution’. Simply stay silent and press 55 when prompted. For non-emergencies call 101

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can take many forms. If you feel you are being controlled, threatened or physically assaulted by someone you live with (or used to live with) that is domestic abuse.

It is not always easy to talk about domestic abuse or to know what you want to happen. You may feel frightened, ashamed, confused and guilty.

All of that is understandable. It can happen to anyone and any kind of relationship. But you have a right to live free from fear and are not to blame for someone else’s violence and abuse

Where to get help

There is a range of domestic violence and abuse services that might be able to help you, including:

Restart – South Tyneside domestic abuse service

The Domestic Abuse Service, Restart, provides confidential, non-judgemental support to those who are experiencing all forms of Domestic Abuse and are living and working in the Borough of South Tyneside.

The service allows victims and their families to live in safety. This is offered through:

  • One-to-one confidential, non-judgmental, independent support
  • Risk assessment, risk management and safety planning
  • Specialist independent gender-based violence advocacy (IGVA) to support those at risk of serious harm
  • A specialist service for young children who have witnessed or directly experienced domestic abuse
  • Group support
  • Perpetrator Intervention Programme
  • Information and support about options

You can access the service by calling 07977 595910 or emailing

Some other services that might be able to help you, include:

Places for People (South Tyneside Women’s Aid) Women’s Refuge

Impact Family Services

Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IVDA)


The police can take action against an abuser and give advice on home security and other matters. In an emergency ring 999, at other times ring 101 and ask for the crime desk or visit

Northumbria Victim Services
Support and advice to victims of crime throughout Northumbria. Telephone 0800 011 3116 or visit

Relationship Support

Helping families and couples (whether together or separated) understand and build healthy relationships.

Happy family relationships make us all feel good and help our children feel secure and loved.

Often as a parent or carer, we are trying to juggle lots of things, and keep our own relationships as positive as can be. Sometimes all relationships can become difficult, and this may impact everyone.

South Tyneside’s Relationships Matter programme launched in May 2023. 

Relationships Matter has been created to provide advice, tips, and support to help adults think about how their communication with others might impact on the children and young people around them.

We currently offer a range of support including three online programmes available for parents to access.

The support we offer ranges from online resources that parents can use to help themselves, that they can work through with a professional and also a number of courses for parents who are separated and together.

 Me, You and Baby Too   

A digital programme for new and expectant parents who are adapting to changes that parenthood will have on their relationship.   

Arguing Better   

A digital programme for parents experiencing high levels of stress and conflict in their relationship, learning strategies to argue better.   

Getting it Right for Children    

To access this online course call South Tyneside MASH on 0191 424 6210.

Parenting when Separated

A group programme for separated parents who want to help their children cope with the impact of separation. Learn to co-parent in a positive way.  

To attend this group-based course, please complete the Request for service or pop into your local Family Hub.